5 Critical risks for No-Code platform early adopters

Sharat Sreekantan
September 6, 2023
April 17, 2023
5 min read
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5 Critical risks for No-Code platform early adopters

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From our years of experience using No-Code tools and delivering lots of No-Code solutions, here are our take on 5 critical factors to keep in mind when choosing No-Code tools

1.  Critical features for your business

Just like any other product in the market, many NoCode platforms and their experts are over optimistic about its features.

Verify whether the critical features for your NoCode solution is truly available and already widely in use. In case your solution's feature requests are non-standard ones, then ask other customers if similar features in the past were implemented for them in a timely manner.

2.  Usage costs for scaling models

Many platforms try to lure you into trying out their services for free or at very low rates. We recommend trying out different platforms but do not focus too much on the initial pricing and low tier rates.

Instead check the pricing tiers for scaling or enterprise options. Choose a platform that helps you to predictably scale as your NoCode solution grows and handle  complex business logic flows.

3.  Platform updates & roadmaps

It is important that No Code platforms keep their development momentum and are future ready.

Platforms that are already on the cutting edge, implementing latest trends, frequently releasing features and security patches, tend to be more prepared and future proof. Be wary of platforms that don't publicise their technical roadmap or release feature updates.

4.  Platform support & response time

Support and maintenance is an important factor for a NoCode Platform. Not getting the right support in time can mean losing thousands of dollars due to downtime, data security issues, etc.

A good yardstick to measure this, is to observe the response time and update frequency on issued support tickets. A great platform with a bad support can become a major bottleneck for your NoCode solution's long-term success.

5.  Switching & migration costs

Perhaps the most important of all. A lock-in with the platform is common theme in NoCode space. However, check what your switching costs and possibilities are.

Can you export the database, data model, and functional flows? Even after you have chosen the right NoCode platform, we strongly recommend that your NoCode solution should be built with an exit strategy to address future migrations.

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