5 Secrets to No-Code Success

Sharat Sreekantan
September 6, 2023
April 5, 2023
5 min read
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5 Secrets to No-Code Success

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Five Secrets to No-Code Success

What makes our No-Code successes sustain longer? We have made a list of five tips for all NoCode enthusiasts and adopters. We have also added an extra productivity tip that might also help you get unstuck 😉

1.  Draw your Apps

It is very tempting to immediately start building your NoCode project. but your excitement might also cloud your judgements on clarity and discipline.

In our Client projects, we sketch application logic flows, wireframe pages, data models and their relations in our notepad or on whiteboards. Once this is done, we validate our understanding on the business logic, data interactions and expected results with the product owner using those drawings.

You will be amazed at your NoCode development speeds using these sketches as reference.

2.  Build fast, fail fast

Once you have a good architecture ready for your No-Code project, don't wait too long to build and deploy your application features to users.

Build and fail fast, to succeed even faster

Many no-Code developers spend a lot of hours to build the perfect app in the first try. In reality, some features and flows might be completely discarded due to new usage insights and user feedback.

3.  Trends ≠ Value Addition

In 2022, there was a major hype among a lot of SaaS startups on enabling "dark-mode" in their applications. Everyone proudly showcased their 'dark' and 'light' themes hoping to attract new users and higher paid service conversions.

But, majority of these marketing resulted in near to zero new users and organic user engagements. There was a trend and everyone wanted to be in the bandwagon!

Simply ask your end-users what they want

Do you feel that a new feature can add a lot of value to your end users? Simply ask them about this feature and give some mockups on your ideas for their feedback.

Even better, ask them what new feature they would like to see in your product. You will be surprised to see the quality of insights you get from such a user survey!

Don't blindly follow trends.

4.  Give value to get value

In our projects, we prioritize on building solutions that add a lot of valye for the end users over 'nice to haves'.

We try to get the answers to, "why is it needed?" and "what does it solve" questions. If the answers make sense, then we proceed with the next steps.

The 'Why' and 'What' will help your team achieve long term success in your No-Code projects.

Also read 👇
Important 'WHAT' questions to consider while building your No-Code applications

5.  Saying 'No' is okay!

Build business applications using noCode is very fast and many at times product owners find it difficult to keep up with our speeds. But this benefit is also misused by product owners who go wild with their ideas.

Every NoCode project idea and feature request should be backed with a valid reason mentioned in #4 - 'Give value to get value', mentioned above. If you feel that something doesn't make sense or add value to the end user, say 'No'.

That is why you will notice our consultants taking a 'Dutch No Nonsense' attitude in projects. And effectively resulting in sustained No-Code successes in our projects.

Bonus - Unwind to Unleash

If you feel that you are stuck and cannot find the right solution, we have a simple and neat trick that can help you.

Take a short break and take your mind off from the task at hand. Simple, right?

It can be a walk outside, meditation, solving puzzles or even taking a nap. But don't use social media during this short break.

Related links:
Are you constantly missing your product launch dates?
Fixing Hippocrates effect with no-Code
Thousands of hours spent on building a business solutions DOES NOT equate to its success!
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